Tax Planning

Tax planning is much more than simply opting for the investment or financial route that offers the maximum tax breaks. It also does not entail making unnecessary expenditure or needless investment solely for reducing taxes.

Good tax planning remains integrated and interlinked to a wider exercise that brings stability to financial goals. Apart from ensuring lower than normal tax liability, the exercise requires considering other factors such as liquidity of the investment, risk appetite and the returns from the investment after factoring in inflation.

We have the experience and comprehensive knowledge that is needed to help you minimize the tax burden that you must bear and does so in a clear and understandable manner. We will advise you on strategies that can be easily implemented, and which are tailored to your specific circumstances.

How we will help you in your Tax Planning :-

We will conduct a comprehensive examination of the current ways you earn income from various resources.

Reducing your effective taxable income by identifying and claiming all available tax exemptions, deductions, rebates and allowances.

Selecting the best investment or expenditure route that provides the most tax breaks but still fits in with one’s investment tastes and attitudes.

The process requires planning for various taxes, such as income tax, capital gains tax and wealth tax separately.